Sunday, September 26, 2010
1 malaysia!
last friday 24th sept, i went to 1 Malaysia concert at MPS field.. it started out with rumah terbuke on that field, there was about 30 stalls at that time, and yes, all of them are free.. Around 9 p.m, the concert begin! My main objective to go there is just to watch STACY.. She sang a sarawak song, ape ntah, x pham pun.. and her latest single, JAHAT..Haha, her performance are SMASHING, beyond my expectation, very energetic! too bad she only sing 2 songs. Beside her, there was M nasir with metera semerah padi and raikan cinta, jamal abdillah witi gadis melaysia and azura, and shahir af8, lagu embun pun x kan mampu, ape ntah tajuk die.. The concert was hosted by ebi yus, sathiya, and angeline tan..the really did a great job,Its a good experience being there, dah x dpt pegi mtv world stage, konsert 1 malaysia pun jadi la.. Too bad that i didn't bring camera along as it was raining at that time.. but i did snap some photo with my hp, and videos as well.. whatever it is, the night was awesome!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
part of the lemon tree verse says that, 'Isolation is not good for me... Isolation I don't want to sit on the lemon-tree' that is what's happening to me every weekend.. being in a lonely town where u have limited kind of stuff to do.. i've been wondering what does the lyric from the Fool's Garden song actually mean since i was in form 2.. i think it doesn't matter at this age where i'm having more important task to accomplish.. THE A LEVELS.. i always think that being isolated in my room during weekend is the best option for me to start my revision, plus i need to repeat one of the paper, chemistry and yes, it really bothers me, lately.. But what happen is that the more my intention to open the book, the more i intend to avoid them.. haha.. hope that this habit will fade away as soon as possible..
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Selamat Hari Raya!!
What do u call a blogger who doesn't have any laptops, internet connection, camera to post his blog.. i call him Muhammad Syahmi bin Mahamud Sayuti. I'd left my blog for 6 months and that might make other people think that I'd already quit blogging. NO silly!! Opportunity to post blog only comes whenever i'm back at my hometown, Seri Manjung, and yes... I'm home at last.. my last post was KYUEM rugby tournament where i met someone really special related to "ice".. haha..!! I was claiming my medal but the anak toke elektrik tought that i was begging ice.. oops.. to many clues already.. (crappy talk after left blogging for 6 month)
actually i was gonna talk about my raya celebration 2010.. I started my raya saga at my kakak's appartment where we gathered there. My dad was making a survey about when is the best timing for us to drive back to Johor Bahru, my mum's kampung. Blink.. blink.. and yes.. I arrived Johor Bahru Majidee, the next day, one day before raya.. My raya celebration is like a routine for every years.. It starts with RAYA Breakfast, eating the ketupat, rendang and all those makanan raya, then the whole family tree went for Aidilfitri prayers.. "choose u're own sequnce connector (CUOSC)" was the time for bermaaf-maafan and duit raya giving ceremony.. CUOSC, is photoshoot time!!! Snap here and there... Faking candid.., which means pretending to be candid.. haha.. so funny watching them PREPARING to be pose candid picture.. Candid nowadays are no longer candid at all.. As the photoshot session ends, my family took me for beraya.... The only thing that makes this raya different than other raya is, my brother will take every single opportunity/free time to play PES2010 (PS2 only) with me.. haha, yeah, medic student have soo itsy-bitsy-shorty holiday, he starts his class on raya the 4th.. pendeknyer cuti!!
I stayed at Johor until 3rd raye, then we rushed back for beraye at Penang, my Dad's kampung.. Being in penang REALLY feels like being at kampung compared to being in JB... Raya at JB was like kampung dalam bandar, while at penang, sungai 2,I really felt like balik kampung juzz like what Allahyarham Sudirman said.. ANd for this raya at penang, was like past years raya, wand what makes it different than my previous raya at penang was that, my family, my grandpa which i call him WAN, my aunts, uncles, cousins except my grandma went to one of Pulau Pinang famous restaurant known as Nasi Kanaq Beratuq.. hell yeah.. it really mean it.. u really need to "beratuq" for a very2 long queue to get a plate of nasi kandar.. it starts at 10.00p.m. we reached there at about 9.45p.m. i thought that i was early. Hell no!! There was already about 30-40 hungry men/women already in front of me.. haha, the food was not the only thing they are selling.. They are actually selling patience(sabar) <--am i spelling it right?? If MTV boiling points came there, i'm sure they'll gonna lose hundreds of bucks.yeah.. Malaysian citizens are damn patient!! especially when it involves food.. haha 1 MALAYSIA katakan.. politik cket.. and yeah.. Thats all bout my raya.. Bersederhana sahaja.. Gosh, i really miss typing!!!! It's good to be back with my blog.. sorry coz i left u for quite a long time.. haha.. touching dgn blog nie.. Last but not least, i would like to take this opportunity to wish "SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN DARI HUJUNG RAMBUT KE HUJUNG KAKI, DARI JOHOR BAHRU KE PENANG, DARI KMS KE MANJUNG dan DARI FORWARD ke BACKLINE ( buat lawak bodoh ragbi pulak.....) Do visit and beraye with me in Seremban ok!! Dont ring my hometown doorbell and call me k!! Come to my college than u can ring the bell.. Don't worry.. Puasa 6 susah sekali.. BUt will try !!!
(Muhammad Syahmi Bin Mahamud Sayuti)
actually i was gonna talk about my raya celebration 2010.. I started my raya saga at my kakak's appartment where we gathered there. My dad was making a survey about when is the best timing for us to drive back to Johor Bahru, my mum's kampung. Blink.. blink.. and yes.. I arrived Johor Bahru Majidee, the next day, one day before raya.. My raya celebration is like a routine for every years.. It starts with RAYA Breakfast, eating the ketupat, rendang and all those makanan raya, then the whole family tree went for Aidilfitri prayers.. "choose u're own sequnce connector (CUOSC)" was the time for bermaaf-maafan and duit raya giving ceremony.. CUOSC, is photoshoot time!!! Snap here and there... Faking candid.., which means pretending to be candid.. haha.. so funny watching them PREPARING to be pose candid picture.. Candid nowadays are no longer candid at all.. As the photoshot session ends, my family took me for beraya.... The only thing that makes this raya different than other raya is, my brother will take every single opportunity/free time to play PES2010 (PS2 only) with me.. haha, yeah, medic student have soo itsy-bitsy-shorty holiday, he starts his class on raya the 4th.. pendeknyer cuti!!
I stayed at Johor until 3rd raye, then we rushed back for beraye at Penang, my Dad's kampung.. Being in penang REALLY feels like being at kampung compared to being in JB... Raya at JB was like kampung dalam bandar, while at penang, sungai 2,I really felt like balik kampung juzz like what Allahyarham Sudirman said.. ANd for this raya at penang, was like past years raya, wand what makes it different than my previous raya at penang was that, my family, my grandpa which i call him WAN, my aunts, uncles, cousins except my grandma went to one of Pulau Pinang famous restaurant known as Nasi Kanaq Beratuq.. hell yeah.. it really mean it.. u really need to "beratuq" for a very2 long queue to get a plate of nasi kandar.. it starts at 10.00p.m. we reached there at about 9.45p.m. i thought that i was early. Hell no!! There was already about 30-40 hungry men/women already in front of me.. haha, the food was not the only thing they are selling.. They are actually selling patience(sabar) <--am i spelling it right?? If MTV boiling points came there, i'm sure they'll gonna lose hundreds of bucks.yeah.. Malaysian citizens are damn patient!! especially when it involves food.. haha 1 MALAYSIA katakan.. politik cket.. and yeah.. Thats all bout my raya.. Bersederhana sahaja.. Gosh, i really miss typing!!!! It's good to be back with my blog.. sorry coz i left u for quite a long time.. haha.. touching dgn blog nie.. Last but not least, i would like to take this opportunity to wish "SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN DARI HUJUNG RAMBUT KE HUJUNG KAKI, DARI JOHOR BAHRU KE PENANG, DARI KMS KE MANJUNG dan DARI FORWARD ke BACKLINE ( buat lawak bodoh ragbi pulak.....) Do visit and beraye with me in Seremban ok!! Dont ring my hometown doorbell and call me k!! Come to my college than u can ring the bell.. Don't worry.. Puasa 6 susah sekali.. BUt will try !!!
(Muhammad Syahmi Bin Mahamud Sayuti)
Friday, March 19, 2010
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Laporan Tahunan Cuti Final Sem!!!
25 Nov --> 7 jam perjalanan dari SEREMBAN ke MANJUNG bersama Fidota... AMAT menyegalkan badan. BERMULALA CUTI KU!!!! Tiba di MANJUNG pukul 6... (bertolak pukul 11)
28 Nov - 1 Dis --> Menemani kakakku outstation di penang, dapat juga meluangkan mase bersama atuk dan nenek di kampung SUNGAI 2... THAT SUNDAY, i was at my cousin's house, menonton bola Chelsea vs Arsenal.. Chelsea menang 3-0!!!!!! (x sempat nk jumpe nyet!! anas pun)
2 Dis --> Inilah hari pertame aku bermaen touch bee (ragbi sentuh) di padang. Bukan kemain pancit.. tapi still enjoy!!!
4 Dis - 6 Dis --> THE BEST PART OF MY HOLIDAYS!!!! REUNION bersama rakan2 starian048 bermula di Ipoh hingga ke Pangkor.. Terima kasih lah kepada semua yang sudi datang.
Sepanjang minggu berjalan seperti biase, bermaen internet, maen petang, maen ps,
11 Dis - 13 Dis --> Aku DIPAKSA untuk menyertai kem kepimpinan di Kolej Mara Kulim, bersama2 17 lagi rakanku.. AMAT X BES.... x taw la ape input yg dapat... TETAPI, motivator tu cakap, program ni umpama benih padi, walaupun x nmpk hasilnya skrang, tapi pda masa akan datang barulah nmpk hasilnnyer (kononnnyer la...)
17 Dis - 20 Dis --> Kami sekeluarga elah pergi ke Cherating,(17 Dis tu Maal Hijrah) saje2 bercuti... But the weather was not pleasing... WE are stranded in the chalet because of the rain, bile petang baru la boleh jalan kat pantai.. IT was unfortunate that my mum had a stomachache and she could'nt join me for dinner.. We only stay there 2hari 1 malam, and spend the rest of the days in KL...
20 Dis - 21 Dis --> My friend TOMPEL datang rumah lepas abes match rugby 7th aside..
22 Dis - 23 Dis --> Nazmi plak datang, 1st time die datang mase cuti nie... Saje ajak die maen touch bee, kononnyer nak belajar, penat2 jer die bawak buku..
23 Dis - 24 Dis --> Kali ni Pa'e plak, kalo Pa'e dtg Manjung, memang ade 1 sebab jer la.. KARAOKE!!!!!! YEAH...
25 Dis - 27 Dis --> Cuti masih diteruskan, pada asalnyer, bercadang untuk pergi ke taman negare, BUT, the mothernature did'nt allowed us. Kalau pergi pun rugi sebab hujan.. So, we just spent our days in KL at Damansara damai.. There wasn't much activities there except for the bowling (One Utama) and hang out at Sunway Pyramid
The holz has finally come to an end, maka bermulalah kerja2 packing barang, bayar yuran mara (baru nak bayar???), and so on... No more playing touch bee, no more lepak2, no more keluar malam..
31 Dis - END --> Finishing the rest of my HOLIDAYS in KL..
3 Jan --> College reopen!!!
25 Nov --> 7 jam perjalanan dari SEREMBAN ke MANJUNG bersama Fidota... AMAT menyegalkan badan. BERMULALA CUTI KU!!!! Tiba di MANJUNG pukul 6... (bertolak pukul 11)
28 Nov - 1 Dis --> Menemani kakakku outstation di penang, dapat juga meluangkan mase bersama atuk dan nenek di kampung SUNGAI 2... THAT SUNDAY, i was at my cousin's house, menonton bola Chelsea vs Arsenal.. Chelsea menang 3-0!!!!!! (x sempat nk jumpe nyet!! anas pun)
2 Dis --> Inilah hari pertame aku bermaen touch bee (ragbi sentuh) di padang. Bukan kemain pancit.. tapi still enjoy!!!
4 Dis - 6 Dis --> THE BEST PART OF MY HOLIDAYS!!!! REUNION bersama rakan2 starian048 bermula di Ipoh hingga ke Pangkor.. Terima kasih lah kepada semua yang sudi datang.
Sepanjang minggu berjalan seperti biase, bermaen internet, maen petang, maen ps,
11 Dis - 13 Dis --> Aku DIPAKSA untuk menyertai kem kepimpinan di Kolej Mara Kulim, bersama2 17 lagi rakanku.. AMAT X BES.... x taw la ape input yg dapat... TETAPI, motivator tu cakap, program ni umpama benih padi, walaupun x nmpk hasilnya skrang, tapi pda masa akan datang barulah nmpk hasilnnyer (kononnnyer la...)
17 Dis - 20 Dis --> Kami sekeluarga elah pergi ke Cherating,(17 Dis tu Maal Hijrah) saje2 bercuti... But the weather was not pleasing... WE are stranded in the chalet because of the rain, bile petang baru la boleh jalan kat pantai.. IT was unfortunate that my mum had a stomachache and she could'nt join me for dinner.. We only stay there 2hari 1 malam, and spend the rest of the days in KL...
20 Dis - 21 Dis --> My friend TOMPEL datang rumah lepas abes match rugby 7th aside..
22 Dis - 23 Dis --> Nazmi plak datang, 1st time die datang mase cuti nie... Saje ajak die maen touch bee, kononnyer nak belajar, penat2 jer die bawak buku..
23 Dis - 24 Dis --> Kali ni Pa'e plak, kalo Pa'e dtg Manjung, memang ade 1 sebab jer la.. KARAOKE!!!!!! YEAH...
25 Dis - 27 Dis --> Cuti masih diteruskan, pada asalnyer, bercadang untuk pergi ke taman negare, BUT, the mothernature did'nt allowed us. Kalau pergi pun rugi sebab hujan.. So, we just spent our days in KL at Damansara damai.. There wasn't much activities there except for the bowling (One Utama) and hang out at Sunway Pyramid
The holz has finally come to an end, maka bermulalah kerja2 packing barang, bayar yuran mara (baru nak bayar???), and so on... No more playing touch bee, no more lepak2, no more keluar malam..
31 Dis - END --> Finishing the rest of my HOLIDAYS in KL..
3 Jan --> College reopen!!!
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I'm really happy that our gathering went smoothly, happy that there was no obstacle during our vacation (although, there were SOME), happy that over 20 of us could make it to our reunion and most importantly, I'm very happy seeing and meeting you guys!!! I'm happy and thankful to god that still give us the chance for us to reunite in this short period just to prove how strong our friendship.. BUT, all of us already know that this reunion won't last forever, and it will come to an end..BUT, I'm very sure that one day, there will be a day where we will meet again in the next episode...
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